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New Moonbeams & Cabin Dream Quilts

barn quilt barn quilts kits patterns Prairie Paints

Whenever I am asked what barn quilt is my favorite, I have a difficult answering.  So many of our designs come from the heart, a story, a family legacy.  Those designs take on the life and love of the client's story.  For me personally, my favorite is the Moonbeams & Cabin Dreams Collection.  
It is the story of family's experiences in homesteading the Nebraska plains in the late 1800's and the 1900's prior to the Dustbowl and Great Depression.  Their stories have been published in the history of Nebraska along with the settlers that settled those empty plains.  Their friendships carried them through tough times and created bonds with strangers, natives and anyone who crossed their paths.  My Great, Great Grandfather was the first Methodist missionary in the northern most plains.  There was nothing there except for flat land, homes dug into the dirt, food from what they brought or roots, rhubarb, meat caught and cooked in the most primitive ways.  What these stories brought to me was the inspirational friendships where service and care was given, love grew.  
We are so happy to launch six new patterns for this collection along with pre-drawn ready to paint kits, as well as beautifully hand painted quilts.  Most of the designs are available as stand alone quilts in multiple sizes.  We are so excited to have these designs available for you to paint and love as much as I do.

All of our designs can be seen in Our Shop and over the next week the kits will arrive and be added with beautiful Prairie Paints, brushes and pre-drawn barn quilt boards ready to paint.  You will love them!  They are gorgeous, and we can't wait for them to arrive so we can ship them to you.

All of our patterns come sizable for any size barn quilt.  They are full color with pattern details, Prairie Paint color suggestions, and our How to Paint a Barn Quilt instructions.  The patterns are available as a ship-able paper pattern and a PDF download pattern that comes to you without the wait.  

For those who love to paint our patterns, you will love painting these stories onto wood.  We are also sewing these blocks into a fabric quilt to wrap around us always.  We love sharing design and colors with you, but the stories are what tug at our hearts and make a simple design something a little more.  
Watch over the next week for the launch of the ready to paint kits...they are amazing! xo

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