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Broken Dishes Barn Quilt of the Month

barn quilts Quilt of the Month

Happy New Year!  We are so excited to have 2022 here.  This year at Tweetle Dee we will be doing something a little different and oh so fun.  The first week of the month we will be releasing one new design in many creative ways and for the month of January, we have one of my most cherished quilts, the Broken Dishes.
Broken Dishes Barn Quilt

Sitting in a trunk in an old Pennsylvania Dutch farmhouse we found an old hand stitched quilt with a note attached saying "Broken Dishes".  The origins of the Broken Dishes pattern date back to the 1790's and is one of the earliest recorded designs in quilt history.  Half-square triangles are arranged to form the pattern of this simple design.  We aren't sure of the dates the quilt we found was sewn, but it was evident with with hand stitching throughout that many hands worked this together to make one special quilt.
Broken Dishes Hand Stitched Quilt
One of the things I love about this design is the imagery of broken pieces being brought back together and placed in a way to bring new beauty to something that was once considered "broken".   This is why I choose this design for our January Quilt of the Month.  

Many of us have broken pieces from the previous years that are left in a swept up pile.  When a new year begins, we all look back at our experiences of the previous year and make plans or goals for the new.  For me, what has been so helpful through therapy is to look clearly at what was "broken" and place it in healthy frames to heal and make something good again.  Maybe this is why this pattern called to me.  I believe in the spirit we each have that moves us forward and so Broken Dishes is my New Year's quilt.  I hope to take my broken pieces and make something amazing for 2022!
In Our Shop this week we have the painted Broken Dishes Barn Quilt ready for orders.  It is hand painted in our gorgeous Prairie Paints and framed in a wide carved wood frame.  The finished size is 27" and it is sealed for indoor or outdoor use.  
In addition to the painted barn quilt, we also have the Broken Dishes pattern available as a PDF download and as a full color paper pattern.  Kits for this barn quilt will be available later this week with a Zoom Paint-A-Long scheduled for January 29th.  We are so excited to offer this day of painting a barn quilt together!
This week you can save 22% on all orders and classes with code Happy22!  We hope you had a beautiful holiday season with your family and friends & best wishes for an amazing year!  

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