Our newest collection is so close to my heart and I am beyond excited to begin the introduction of Wilde Bloem. With whispers from the meadows surrounding our beautiful farms, each block is a flower with a message. We are so happy to focus on one flower and message the next nine months of 2023. Introducing Wilde Bloem which translated in Dutch is Wildflower.
Wilde Bloem Barn Quilt Block of the Month
Nine florals, a gathering vine and two adorable quilted bees come as monthly kits to paint, sew or embroider together. As we discussed which of our favorite wildflowers to add, and create quilt blocks for, we choose those that had messages of hope, belonging, community. We hope you will join us this year to create Wilde Bloem meadows all over the country.
Wilde Bloem Bee Barn Quilt
In addition to the BOM we will add individual blocks of these original designs for purchase to those who want them in larger sizes for outdoor sharing. The first this month is the Wilde Bloem Bee Barn Quilt. This singular bee was designed with beautiful wings to give flight and light. The points of the stars shine in it's wings. I am so very in love with this bee and I know my bee loving friends will be too. It is available for order in five large sizes.