Farmhouse furniture has been trending for a few years now, typically with white on white with minimal wood finishes. Though the exterior of the old farmhouse I grew up in was white with black shutters, the interior rooms were full of color. The rooms all had wood, marble, crystal, and colored glass and furniture in the home had a story to tell.
I've had this little breakfast table in my kitchen for many years, all white with white chairs, until this past week when I decided to paint it in one of my favorite Prairie Paint colors, Castle Creek.
The inspiration for this deep green came from the colors I remember in an area of the woods adjacent to the family farm, aka The Woods. After a hike over the corn field hill, through the woods, and along the slate gorge, you come to a small pond called Castle Creek. It is surrounded by towering trees and vines, moss and a green field with an aged fishing shack complete with a little covered porch.
On a recent visit to our local antique shop we found a set of black chairs from the 1870's for $100. That find was the push I needed to paint my table dark, and I knew the best of our greens was Castle Creek. So, we took our white chairs to the ReStore and dropped them off to go to another family and picked up our new antique chairs, threw a tarp down and sanded the top and rough spots of our white table.
Then one coat with a furniture paint roller and a brush for the curvy parts, we let it dry and then added two more for good measure. Let dry and then added a coat of our Prairie Paint Finishing Wax.
Our Prairie Paints Finishing Wax is made of bees wax and compounds that add richness to our gel-chalk Prairie Paints and seal the wood and paint for years of beauty and use.
We let it dry and then a light wipe of a soft cloth and it was ready to place these beautiful black chairs around our deeply moody breakfast table. Putting them all together it was clear that they had belonged together all along, like two peas in a pod.
The Prairie Paints we used were Castle Creek, and the finish is the Prairie Paints Finishing Wax. Both of these are available on Our Shop. We hope that this post inspires you to add a little color to your farmhouse. We love ours and know that you will too.