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Prairie Paints New Products

Prairie Paints

Two new products launch this week in our Prairie Paints line.  Our Prairie Paints Gel-Chalk Paint Powder and our yummy Prairie Paint Finishing Wax.  Both of these products have been in testing and production for the past year, and are now perfected and ready to share with all of our Tweetle Dee & Prairie Paint friends in our our shop.

Prairie Paints Gel-Chalk Powder
Our Prairie Paints Gel-Chalk Powder will turn any water based paint into a beautiful gel-chalk paint.  It is the same formula we use as a base in our own 58 gorgeous Prairie Paint line.  The powders come in 2 oz and 4 oz sizes with a mini whisk to help mix your own gel-chalk paint.  Once this mixture is added to your water based paints, they will act with the same stick and finish as a chalk paint. 
The gel component allow the paint to be thick for detail painting without runs.  The beauty of this Prairie Paint Gel-Chalk Powder is that you can control the thickness of your paint which can work for full coverage or a light milk-wash finish.  

Prairie Paint Finishing Wax
Our Prairie Paints Finishing Wax is like buttah!  Well, smooth like the creamiest bees wax with deep antiqued color, because it is made from beautiful bees wax, and our favorite antiqued stain.  Mix them together and you have the perfect finish for any painted or natural surface.  Our wax seals your paint and wood with a natural sheen.  It protects from the elements and is safe for indoor or outdoor finishes.  
Available in two sizes, a 2 oz and a 4 oz size in Our Shop and ready to ship!  Combine your paint with the Prairie Paint Gel-Chalk Powder and our Finishing Wax and your projects will be beyond beautiful.  
Be sure to use code Thankyou10 to save 10% off your orders this week and thank you for all the support you have given for our Prairie Paint Collection.  We love to see it grow and it is because of your support that we can continue the growth.  so, thank you!

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