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Pansy Petal Embroidery

embroidery hand-dyed kits patterns

There are a few flowers that thrive in the coldest temperatures to summer's heat, but none as sweet as the little  Pansy Petal Embroidery  For a flower with such delicate petals and leaves, it is the first bloom in flower beds as the snow is beginning to melt.  I can plant it knowing it will thrive no matter what Mother Nature throws at it.  


Then there are the colors!  So many different shades and combinations of color.  Even the stems and leaves vary in their shades of green.  So, when I was wanting to stitch a spring floral onto my hand-dyed stitching cloth, with it's shades of grey and lavender, the little pansy was my first choice.  Each of our naturally hand-dyed stitching cloth pieces is batch dyed using plants, nuts and seed to get a vintage soft appearance to the cloth.  This allows for the colors of the embroidery piece to stand out.


We now have this Pansy Petal Embroidery Kit and Pattern available in Our Shop Our patterns include the artwork, stitching guide and suggested colors as well as how to instructions.  Our kits include the pattern, hoop, stitching cloth, batting, floss, needle, scissors and marking pen.  Bascially, everything you need to complete the project is sent in one darling little bag.

One of my most loved jobs at Tweetle Dee is drawing in black and white a floral or element and then adding the colors.  With this design, I began with blending the flosses into one beautiful variegated strand and then the black and white came along.  So, a little backwards, but if you know me well, you know I am a very unconventional designer and am happy in the end because I never follow the rules.  
My only rules are that is has to look well-loved, and be what came out of my heart and mind.  If you haven't tried one of our embroidery kits, you should!  All of the stitches are super simple and rewarding too.  Our YouTube Channel (link in the sidebar) as hints for how to start as well as demos for the different stitches.  We would love to have you join us on the channel and try something new or again.  
We love you...we think you are all the most awesomenest friends and we love creating projects that are simple enough to do in a day or two and are beginner, yet beautiful!  Thank you for reading our blog, shopping Our Shop, coming to our classes and sharing us with your friends.  We have been blessed by each of you.  I hope you have a fabulous week and go try something new today, celebrate a vistory, dream big and know we are cheering you on!

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