When you get commissioned to design a star to represent the western rancher you look at colors and shapes of the old ranches around you with new eyes. I was thrilled to have the chance to design a barn quilt and fabric quilt for this project and am so happy to bring to you the Western Star Barn Quilt.
I love the western skies at night with the big expanses so I knew one mighty star needed to be the focal point. I choose the Prairie Paint colors of Cattle Drive Coffee for the frame and the star, one because I love how dark it is and secondly, it reminded me of the old weathered oiled barns I have seen in my travels through western ranch land.
The golden color of Hay Down represented the waves of grain and dried grasses bursting out of the barns. The gaps of Simple Cream are the mixed into the star which shows the light coming through the barns beams. The Pigeon Cove grey is so beautiful in this barn quilt. If you have seen the western sky with the sun fading into the rest of the day it most often has shades of light blue to soft grey. The Pigeon Cove was perfect mix of sky colors and set off the browns and golden hues so well.
I am so in love with this new Western Sky Barn Quilt! It is simple and so striking, which are honestly my favorite kinds of quilts. I am currently sewing this up into a fabric quilt and can't wait to show it to you soon. For now, the pattern, barn quilt kit and already painted barn quilts for this newest Tweetle Dee design are in the shop ready for orders.
We hope you love this design as much as we we did. Designing a custom is such a treat and we can't wait to see this design painted in the many colors of our Prairie Paints. Hint - Christmas colors would be gorgeous in this design!!! Just sayin.