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Blue Spruce Barn Quilt

barn quilt barn quilts

Our newest barn quilt release is the Blue Spruce.  When we were traveling to visit our family in NY, we wanted to give a barn quilt to my cousin to hang at the farm. She wanted something with pine trees.  Her home is surrounded by tall, beautiful pine trees and at the end of the orchard is this old pole barn.  The perfect place for a barn quilt designed with long wispy pine boughs and cones. 

The orchard was one of our favorite places as kids.  There were apple trees that were loving cared for by our grandfather who loved to graft different kind of apples together.  The apples gathered and made into cider, was a treat for all of us.  Among the apple trees were tall pines that danced in the breezes that came across the green, rolling hills of the upstate New York farm.  
Some still stand today, and are now cared for by my cousin and her husband with as much love as our grandfather had for them.  It's a place of beauty and peace.  So, it was a honor to design a barn quilt that had the grace and subtle colors of the pine cones and boughs.  

We have now added this design to our shop for orders.  It is a beautiful design and perfect for the season.  We hope to release the kit and pattern for Thanksgiving.  You can watch for the release through our newsletter.  For now, we are excited to open this design for holiday orders.  Available in three sizes from 33" to 55".  Its a beauty!

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