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A Weed is a Flower


A weed is just a flower in disguise if seen through loving eyes.  I have loved this thought for so many years.  It was hand-written into the cover of an old book gifted to me by my husband, and of course it found it's way into one of my most loved embroidery samplers.  

This saying is loved for the reminder that all things can be seen as beautiful and can hold value when seen with love.   In my drawings, paintings and natural dye processes I have found the most deep and beautiful colors in what some would call weeds.  All creations on earth were created by a creator whose nature is love.  
In our shop we have kits and frames for this embroidery sampler.  It is stitched on hand dyed fabric, simple black and includes lace flowers, wood buttons and ribbon leaves.  Also included in the kit are hoops, needle, snips, marking pen, and batting.  The frame for this piece is also available in our frame collection.  

All of the basic stitches in this piece are added to our Tweetle Dee YouTube Channel.  I am often asked how long it takes to stitch a piece, so I track it for you.  This piece took two evenings to stitch and just a few minutes to frame.   The finished size fits in a 11" x 16" frame as well.  
We hope you feel inspired to embroider along with us.  We all need a reminder to see each other and all of nature through the eyes of love.  

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